Truth For Eternity

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We're Glad You Made it Here!

Where Will You Spend Eternity?

Have You Considered
Your Eternity?

Do yourself a favor and enhance your relationship with Jesus. Sometimes we think we need to get good to get God. On the contrary, we need God to get good. None of us are perfect, however, God is perfecting us.

You get to choose where you will spend eternity. Your Choice is eternal. What can enhance your choice is to focus on things Heavenly. Jesus is available for you day and night. The Holy Scriptures are available for you to read. If you haven't been baptized in Jesus' name, or received the precious and wondrous gift of the Holy Ghost, then please, when you read the Bible, focus mainly on the Gospels. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John are the Gospels. They teach of what we need to be saved, and what we need to focus on after the obedience for salvation.

To add to your scripture reading, I have written articles in which you can enhance your relationship with Jesus and to encourage to persevere. Life is tough and we need to encourage ourselves in the Lord. We are not immune to satan's devices, however, we can be equipped to fight for Jesus and conquer our enemies. We are on the winning side! So select an article to read and even share it with someone you know.

Just so you know, life will never be perfect. But, your life with Jesus can be full of peace and contentment. Just by trusting in Him and allowing a positive change in your life. Joy in the Holy Ghost is happiness. Happy is what you make of it, not something to attain.